mo4ch:>‘So cute! What are their names?’ Indian couple names newborn twins COVID and CORONA | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Friday, April 3, 2020

mo4ch:>‘So cute! What are their names?’ Indian couple names newborn twins COVID and CORONA | Mo4ch News

Coronavirus fever has taken a strange turn in India, with a couple naming their newborn twins Corona and Covid – reportedly to remind them about the hard times they are enduring amid the epidemic.

As India is under a nationwide lockdown aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus, a couple from the Indian city of Raipur found unusual inspiration from the situation.

They decided to name their boy Covid and their girl Corona.

The 27-year-old mother told PTI news agency that these will be their names for now, but that they might change them later.

“When the hospital staff also started calling the babies as Corona and Covid, we finally decided to name them after the pandemic,” she said.

Indeed the virus is dangerous and life-threatening but its outbreak made people focus on sanitation, hygiene and inculcate other good habits. Thus, we thought about these names.

India, with a population of almost 1.4 billion people, so far has 2,567 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 72 deaths.

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Source : RT - Daily news

‘So cute! What are their names?’ Indian couple names newborn twins COVID and CORONA

‘So cute! What are their names?’ Indian couple names newborn twins COVID and CORONA