mo4ch:>‘Stop adding religious color to our fight against Covid-19’: India slams US panel for accusing it of segregating Muslim patients | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, April 16, 2020

mo4ch:>‘Stop adding religious color to our fight against Covid-19’: India slams US panel for accusing it of segregating Muslim patients | Mo4ch News

The Indian government has hit back at a US religious freedom panel, which accused New Delhi of “stigmatizing” Muslims, and denied a report that patients are being separated based on their faith.

The government-run US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is “spreading misguided reports on the professional medical protocols followed to deal with spread of Covid-19 in India,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anurag Srivastava has said.

The USCIRF had earlier accused New Delhi of “stigmatization of Muslims,” citing a report by local media about a hospital in India’s Gujarat state maintaining separate wards for Hindus and Muslims.

Srivastava said the report about the segregation based on faith was false, urging the USCIRF to “stop adding religious color” to the nation’s efforts to fight the pandemic.

“No segregation is being done in civil hospitals on the basis of religion, as clarified by the Gujarat government,” he said.

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Source : RT - Daily news

‘Stop adding religious color to our fight against Covid-19’: India slams US panel for accusing it of segregating Muslim patients

‘Stop adding religious color to our fight against Covid-19’: India slams US panel for accusing it of segregating Muslim patients