mo4ch:>Our Turn to Act: RT launches live map connecting volunteers & those needing help amid coronavirus | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Saturday, April 25, 2020

mo4ch:>Our Turn to Act: RT launches live map connecting volunteers & those needing help amid coronavirus | Mo4ch News

25 Apr, 2020 05:00

RT’s charity project ‘Our Turn to Act’ has launched a live map that brings together potential volunteers and those struggling to cope with coronavirus lockdowns on their own.

The live map makes it easier for people – primarily elderly persons forced to self-isolate in their homes amid global Covid-19 lockdowns – to get directly in touch with volunteers keen to help them see the crisis through.

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To receive assistance or lend a helping hand to those stuck at home, the first step is to register on the project’s website. After marking your location, you can either become a volunteer or post a request for help, if it is you or someone you know who needs support.

There are no strict guidelines as to what a request should entail – but make sure it is as detailed as possible, as clarity increases the chances of it being fulfilled without delay.

Typical assignments include requests to deliver food, medicine and other basic necessities, and each task is vetted by a team of moderators before a volunteer can take it up.

Also on WHO adds 9 candidates for Covid-19 vaccine developed in Russia to global trial list

If you’ve helped someone using the website, don’t forget to document your work by uploading videos and photos. Doing good comes with a reward: you are not only helping people but also netting special points for each task recorded. When the pandemic is gone for good, the most active volunteers will receive gifts from the project.

Join the volunteer army here.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Our Turn to Act: RT launches live map connecting volunteers & those needing help amid coronavirus

Our Turn to Act: RT launches live map connecting volunteers & those needing help amid coronavirus