US President Donald Trump’s itchy Twitter-finger came back to scratch him again, when his retweets of “supporters” included a troll account that renamed itself to “F**k Donald Trump” for all the President’s followers to see.
After one the largest firefighter’s unions incited Trump’s rage by coming out in favor of his potential 2020 opponent Joe Biden, the president responded by retweeting around 60 messages of support from those who supposedly disagreed with their decision.
One of those tweets came from user with the handle @gIamourizes, who claimed to be the wife of a supportive New York firefighter, but in actuality had another message for the president.
Around the same time as the name change, the user added insult to injury by changing his or her profile picture to a plug for Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders.
After catching on, Trump deleted the retweet, but not before the foul-mouthed troll garnered some 10,000 likes and numerous comments.
A subsequent Tweet on the account says that it is run by a “committed idiot” who been responding to Trump for two years waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Given that Trump has previously mistakenly tweeted at a teenage girl from California instead of Fox News reporter Gillian Turner – and at a woman in Brighton named Ivanka instead of his daughter – it is perhaps not surprising the septuagenarian US president ended up falling into the patient prankster's trap.
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Source : RT - Daily news
Troll baits Trump into retweet then changes name to ‘F**k Donald Trump’
Troll baits Trump into retweet then changes name to ‘F**k Donald Trump’