mo4ch:>Mueller, unsatisfied with media misinterpreting Barr’s summary, sparks more misinterpretations | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

mo4ch:>Mueller, unsatisfied with media misinterpreting Barr’s summary, sparks more misinterpretations | Mo4ch News

Special counsel Robert Mueller was not pleased with the media’s reaction to AG William Barr’s summary of his report, according to a letter he wrote which is already being (mis)interpreted by mainstream media.

The summary letter…did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” Mueller wrote to Barr last month, recommending he release the special counsel report’s introductions and executive summaries as soon as possible because “There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation.”

When Barr inquired about specific problems with his letter, Mueller clarified that it was the media’s “misguided” coverage of the letter that was the primary problem, according to Justice Department officials. Mueller wanted to release the redacted report as soon as possible in order to provide the much-needed “context” for Barr’s letter, and his office cooperated with Barr on the redactions.

Apparently, most readers didn’t make it to that part of the story, if the response on social media was anything to go by. Russiagate truthers found a new spring in their step and impeachment hopes renewed, declaring they were right all along – President Donald Trump was guilty as sin.

In fact, why not impeach Barr too, some suggested.

Even politicians got into the game, with several members of Congress calling for the AG’s resignation.

Some tried in vain to call attention to the part of the story where Mueller told Barr there was nothing specifically inaccurate in his letter.

…and predicted Mueller would pour cold water on all this revived speculation posthaste.

Glenn Greenwald was sucked into a flame war.

While others theorized that Mueller’s letter had been leaked in order to head off unpleasant surprises during Barr’s testimony.

At least one person picked up on the irony of misinterpreting a letter about the media misinterpreting a letter, and advised the curious to just read the Mueller report if they wanted to know what was in it.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Mueller, unsatisfied with media misinterpreting Barr’s summary, sparks more misinterpretations

Mueller, unsatisfied with media misinterpreting Barr’s summary, sparks more misinterpretations