mo4ch:>Massive tornado overturns bus with 39 people on board in Romania (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

mo4ch:>Massive tornado overturns bus with 39 people on board in Romania (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) | Mo4ch News

A powerful tornado ripped up the Romanian countryside Tuesday, launching a packed passenger bus 30 feet off the road, overturning it and injuring seven people in the process.

The ferocious whirlwind menaced the area near the city of Calarasi, 51 miles due east of Bucharest, destroying around 10 houses and demolishing farm buildings. Awe-struck eyewitnesses managed to capture the terrifying power of the tornado from close up.

A bus carrying almost 40 people was overturned by the force of the storm winds. Four of the passengers were rushed to hospital in nearby Slobozia while another 12 were treated at the scene, according to local media reports.

Severe weather conditions are expected to continue to impact the region until Thursday, when the cold front which caused the tumult is expected to move on and dissipate.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Massive tornado overturns bus with 39 people on board in Romania (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Massive tornado overturns bus with 39 people on board in Romania (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)