mo4ch:>‘Bullying’ US to blame if conflict breaks out with American troops – Iran’s Deputy FM | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, May 1, 2019

mo4ch:>‘Bullying’ US to blame if conflict breaks out with American troops – Iran’s Deputy FM | Mo4ch News

If fighting breaks out between Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and US CENTCOM forces in the Persian gulf, it is Washington who will be held responsible, says Iran's deputy foreign minister.

The two forces, which have been reciprocally designated as terrorist groups, may engage in clashes in the Persian Gulf or any other region,” Seyed Abbas Araghchi warned during a speech in Turkey’s capital Ankara on Tuesday.

And should the worst case scenario emerge between the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the US Navy Central Command (CENTCOM), “there is no doubt that the US will be held accountable for such a situation,” he continued.

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Iran is concerned that US President Donald Trump’s efforts to cut off their oil imports will lead Washington to try to take action in the Strait of Hormuz, a crucial point of trade for Iran in the Persian Gulf. Just last month, Iran’s foreign minister warned the US to be “prepared for the consequences” if they attempt to disrupt oil trade through the Strait.

The deputy minister also added that strategies of “diplomacy and negotiation” had lost serious ground due to growing anger over US policy. He noted, in particular, the “bullying behavior of the US” toward the countries still adhering to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

On Tuesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani signed off on a law which was recently approved by parliament declaring CENTCOM to be a “terrorist” organization.

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Tehran's tough stance comes in response to Donald Trump's announcement last month that the Revolutionary Guards would be designated as a terrorist organization. This was the first time the US designated a part of another government as a “Foreign Terrorist organization.

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Source : RT - Daily news

‘Bullying’ US to blame if conflict breaks out with American troops – Iran’s Deputy FM

‘Bullying’ US to blame if conflict breaks out with American troops – Iran’s Deputy FM