mo4ch:>US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

mo4ch:>US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers | Mo4ch News

Published time: 30 Apr, 2019 10:32 Edited time: 30 Apr, 2019 10:47

Self declared Venezuelan ‘interim President’ Juan Guiado has called for a military uprising in a video shot at a Caracas airbase. In the video he is accompanied by a number of soldiers, and detained activist Leopoldo Lopez.

Source : RT - Daily news

US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers

US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers