mo4ch:>Tear gas & batons near EU Parliament as Strasbourg police struggle to hold off marching Yellow Vests | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Saturday, April 27, 2019

mo4ch:>Tear gas & batons near EU Parliament as Strasbourg police struggle to hold off marching Yellow Vests | Mo4ch News

Yellow Vest protesters have marched on the European Parliament building in Strasbourg, prompting police to deploy tear gas. The demonstrators have also swarmed several TV stations, demanding better coverage of their movement.

The 24th consecutive weekend of demonstrations saw more than 5,000 protesters take to the streets across France, including 2,600 in Paris, according to Interior Ministry figures, which the Yellow Vests have often questioned in the past.

In Strasbourg, tear gas filled the streets as police struggled to keep hundreds of demonstrators away from the EU Parliament buildings. Police have blocked roads and bridges, and clashes have broken out between heavily armored riot control officers and masked protesters.

Wearing improvised gas masks, the Yellow Vests kicked tear-gas canisters back at the battalions of police blocking the roads.

Paris has been the epicenter of the Yellow Vest movement since it began as a show of opposition to a planned fuel tax hike last November. On Saturday, activists surrounded the headquarters of several French television networks there, demanding better coverage of their weekly demonstrations.

Saturday’s marches came two days after French President Emmanuel Macron tried to assuage popular anger with promises of lower taxes. However, activists have continued to demonstrate against Macron’s pro-business, pro-EU policies, calling his peace offering “rubbish.”

Also on Yellow Vests take to the streets in rejection of Macron’s ‘rubbish’ olive branch (PHOTO, VIDEO)

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Tear gas & batons near EU Parliament as Strasbourg police struggle to hold off marching Yellow Vests

Tear gas & batons near EU Parliament as Strasbourg police struggle to hold off marching Yellow Vests