mo4ch:>Sri Lanka police find 87 bomb detonators at Colombo's main bus station - spokesperson | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, April 22, 2019

mo4ch:>Sri Lanka police find 87 bomb detonators at Colombo's main bus station - spokesperson | Mo4ch News

Published time: 22 Apr, 2019 10:17 Edited time: 22 Apr, 2019 10:31

Sri Lankan police found 87 bomb detonators at the bus station in the nation’s largest city, following horrific bombings which killed 290 people on Easter Sunday.

The detonators were discovered on Monday at a private bus stand located in the Pettah neighborhood of Colombo, police said. The officers initially found just a dozen of devices, but later retrieved 75 more while clearing the garbage heap.

Police launched an investigation into the incident. It is unclear whether the devices had anything to do with the multiple coordinated bombings which took place on Easter Sunday.


Source : RT - Daily news

Sri Lanka police find 87 bomb detonators at Colombo's main bus station - spokesperson

Sri Lanka police find 87 bomb detonators at Colombo's main bus station - spokesperson