mo4ch:>Pitcher Perfect: Baseball star Ryan Braun soaked in beer while attempting to make catch (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, April 29, 2019

mo4ch:>Pitcher Perfect: Baseball star Ryan Braun soaked in beer while attempting to make catch (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

Never has Ryan Braun's status on the Milwaukee Brewers roster been quite so literal after the MLB left fielder had a pitcher of beer spilled on him by a fan as he attempted to make an acrobatic catch on Sunday.

Given that your average baseball game can stretch well past three hours' long, sometimes fans are left to devise their own way to pass the time until the bottom of the ninth inning. Often this includes the time-honored baseball pastime of attempting to catch a drive as the ball soars into the crowd for a home run.

Sometimes, though, things don't go exactly as planned. There have been several instances over the years of fans in the first row plucking the ball out of the clutches of a fielder in search of a souvenir, a move which almost always results in a cacophony of boos and a very damaged ego.

During Sunday's game between the Brewers and the Mets at Citi Field, one fan certainly left his mark on Milwaukee's Ryan Braun. As the left fielder attempted to gather a ball from the bat of Mets slugger Pete Alonso, a front row fan made a curious snap decision to try and field the ball inside his plastic pitcher of beer.

The result was exactly as you might expect: not only did the ball escape Braun's clutches, he was left soaked from a shower of beer from overhead. The kicker? The incident happened right beside an advertising hoarding stating 'This Bud's For You'. 

What are the learnings from this? Well, perhaps don't attempt to interfere in the proceedings of a live sporting contest for one but one thing is for certain - the entire Mets organization owes that fan a free refill. 

Also on WATCH: Pitcher shows incredible Matrix-style reflexes to dodge 90mph ball flying towards his head

Source : RT Sport News

Pitcher Perfect: Baseball star Ryan Braun soaked in beer while attempting to make catch (VIDEO)

Pitcher Perfect: Baseball star Ryan Braun soaked in beer while attempting to make catch (VIDEO)