mo4ch:>New powerful earthquake hits central Philippines, day after deadly temblor | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

mo4ch:>New powerful earthquake hits central Philippines, day after deadly temblor | Mo4ch News

A new powerful earthquake hit the central Philippines on Tuesday, a day after a 6.1-magnitude quake rattled the country’s north and left at least 16 people dead, AP said. The US Geological Survey put the magnitude of Tuesday’s quake at 6.4, while the local seismology agency said it was 6.5. The quake was centered near San Julian town in Eastern Samar province and prompted residents to dash out of houses. There were no reports of casualties or major damage from the new quake. Classes and office work were suspended in San Julian, where cracks on roads and small buildings and a church were reported.
Source : RT - Daily news

New powerful earthquake hits central Philippines, day after deadly temblor

New powerful earthquake hits central Philippines, day after deadly temblor