mo4ch:>Man arrested after Sri Lankan cops find bullets & parliamentary passes in house search | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, April 25, 2019

mo4ch:>Man arrested after Sri Lankan cops find bullets & parliamentary passes in house search | Mo4ch News

Published time: 25 Apr, 2019 08:19 Edited time: 25 Apr, 2019 08:48

Police are carrying out ongoing searches in the wake of the devastating suicide bomb attacks at churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, killing over 350 people.

Local reports said police were responding to a tip-off when they found the 26-year-old carrying several parliamentary passes and a rough map marking out the road route to the country's parliament.

They also found a vehicle which was possibly modified to carry a bomb, although no explosives have been found.

Also on Senior Sri Lankan officials ‘withheld intel on terrorist attacks’


Source : RT - Daily news

Man arrested after Sri Lankan cops find bullets & parliamentary passes in house search

Man arrested after Sri Lankan cops find bullets & parliamentary passes in house search