mo4ch:>‘Julian Assange exposed great crimes & now great crime committed against him’ - George Galloway | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, April 11, 2019

mo4ch:>‘Julian Assange exposed great crimes & now great crime committed against him’ - George Galloway | Mo4ch News

Published time: 11 Apr, 2019 10:30

George Galloway has told RT that he is “shocked,” Julian Assange, has been arrested, claiming a great crime has been committed against the Wikileaks Founder, insisting the Ecuadorian & UK govts should feel ashamed of such action.

Commenting on Assange’s arrest on Thursday morning, political firebrand, Galloway, told RT: "I'm very shocked...Julian Assange is a friend of mine, more importantly a friend of truth, a friend of the people. He exposed great great crimes and now another great crime has been committed against him."

Shame on the Ecuadorian government, shame on the British government and shame on those that let this happen.

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Source : RT - Daily news

‘Julian Assange exposed great crimes & now great crime committed against him’ - George Galloway

‘Julian Assange exposed great crimes & now great crime committed against him’ - George Galloway