Tokyo on Tuesday dropped the push to apply “maximum pressure” on North Korea from its official foreign policy. The move is seen as an apparent softening of Japan’s position as major powers engage with Pyongyang, AFP said. In last year’s ‘Diplomatic Bluebook’, Japan said it was coordinating efforts with its allies to “maximize pressure on North Korea by all available means.” However, this language was dropped from this year’s edition. It was drawn up after diplomats had “taken comprehensively into account the latest developments surrounding North Korea,” said chief government spokesman Yoshihide Suga. “There have been major developments in the situation surrounding North Korea in light of events such as the US-North Korea summits in June last year and February,” Suga said.
Source : RT - Daily news
Japan drops ‘maximum pressure’ on N. Korea from its foreign policy
Japan drops ‘maximum pressure’ on N. Korea from its foreign policy