mo4ch:>Corbyn rejects invite to Trump state dinner, slams May for ‘kowtow’ to US government | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Friday, April 26, 2019

mo4ch:>Corbyn rejects invite to Trump state dinner, slams May for ‘kowtow’ to US government | Mo4ch News

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said he won’t attend the upcoming state dinner with US President Donald Trump when he visits Britain, adding that the UK should not be ‘rolling out the red carpet for the US president.

Corbyn released a statement revealing that he has turned down an invitation to the June event. “Theresa May should not be rolling out the red carpet for a state visit to honour a president who rips up vital international treaties, backs climate change denial and uses racist and misogynist rhetoric,” he said.

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The opposition leader said the “pomp and ceremony of a state visit” was not necessary to maintain a relationship with the US, and added that he would welcome a meeting with Trump to discuss “all matters of interest.”

He added that it was “disappointing that the prime minister has again opted to kowtow to this US administration.”

The news has been met with a wide range of reactions on social media, with many applauding Corbyn for his stance while others noted that it was unlikely to give Trump much pause for thought.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Corbyn rejects invite to Trump state dinner, slams May for ‘kowtow’ to US government

Corbyn rejects invite to Trump state dinner, slams May for ‘kowtow’ to US government