mo4ch:>China says Taiwan fighter jets’ flight was ‘routine exercise’ | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

mo4ch:>China says Taiwan fighter jets’ flight was ‘routine exercise’ | Mo4ch News

China on Wednesday defended a flight by its fighter jets across the traditionally respected maritime line dividing the island from the mainland last month as a routine exercise. The rare incursion of two J-11 fighter jets over the “median line” separating the self-ruled island from China drew condemnation from Taipei at the end of March. It described the incident as “intentional, reckless and provocative.” Citing remarks by Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang on Wednesday, state-run China Daily said the fly-by was part of a planned routine exercise by the People’s Liberation Army. Dismissing a vow by Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen to forcibly expel Chinese fighter jets if they cross the median line again as “wild talk,” Ma said the president’s comments showed she was “scared,” AFP reports.
Source : RT - Daily news

China says Taiwan fighter jets’ flight was ‘routine exercise’

China says Taiwan fighter jets’ flight was ‘routine exercise’