mo4ch:>American investor Calvey to be released from Russian jail & placed under house arrest | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, April 11, 2019

mo4ch:>American investor Calvey to be released from Russian jail & placed under house arrest | Mo4ch News

Published time: 11 Apr, 2019 13:29 Edited time: 11 Apr, 2019 13:37

US investor Michael Calvey, accused of embezzlement in Russia, will be released from jail and placed under house arrest until April 13, Moscow’s Basmanny Court ruled on Thursday.

The fraud investigation of the Baring Vostok founder has also been extended until August 13. The businessman, who is accused of embezzling $37.5 million, was released from custody in the courtroom.


Source : RT Business News

American investor Calvey to be released from Russian jail & placed under house arrest

American investor Calvey to be released from Russian jail & placed under house arrest