mo4ch:>Theresa May Brexit statement to Parliament following summit with EU leaders (WATCH LIVE) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, March 25, 2019

mo4ch:>Theresa May Brexit statement to Parliament following summit with EU leaders (WATCH LIVE) | Mo4ch News

Prime Minister Theresa May delivers her Brexit update statement in the House of Commons, following an EU summit with the bloc’s 27 leaders, with her deal in danger of being wiped out by UK MPs once and for all.

With pressure being cranked up on May to the point of serious questions being asked about whether she can see the week out as PM, Parliament must come up with a Brexit deal that can garner the support of a majority of MPs. If not, the UK could potentially crash out of the EU on April 12 without a deal.

May’s task of pushing through her own, twice defeated deal in a third attempt appears to have been made even harder, after various media report that the DUP are still not backing her agreement.

Earlier Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn met with the prime minister for face-to-face Brexit talks. A Labour spokesperson released a statement shortly after their discussions claiming that May had suggested separating the Withdrawal Agreement from the political declaration, which Corbyn refused to accept.

The European Commission has released a statement suggesting that it looked increasingly likely that the UK will leave the EU without a deal on April 12, adding that they had completed its ‘no-deal’ preparations.


Source : RT - Daily news

Theresa May Brexit statement to Parliament following summit with EU leaders (WATCH LIVE)

Theresa May Brexit statement to Parliament following summit with EU leaders (WATCH LIVE)