mo4ch:>Counterterrorism probe launched after small IEDs found at Heathrow, City airports & Waterloo station | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

mo4ch:>Counterterrorism probe launched after small IEDs found at Heathrow, City airports & Waterloo station | Mo4ch News

Published time: 5 Mar, 2019 16:39 Edited time: 5 Mar, 2019 17:03

British police have launched a counterterrorism investigation after “small improvised explosive devices” were found at London sites including Heathrow Airport, City Airport and Waterloo train station, the Met said in a statement.

Three suspicious packages – all A4-sized white envelopes – appeared primed to start a small fire when opened, according to investigators.

“The Met Police Counter Terrorism Command is treating the incidents as a linked series and is keeping an open mind regarding motives,” the police force said.

Flights were not affected by the security alerts and no injuries have been reported, although at least one of the packages was opened by an unsuspecting staff member, and it partially burned.

Police are appealing for Londoners to be vigilant and report any suspicious packages.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Counterterrorism probe launched after small IEDs found at Heathrow, City airports & Waterloo station

Counterterrorism probe launched after small IEDs found at Heathrow, City airports & Waterloo station