mo4ch:>Church of England decries Home Office for denying asylum over ‘violence’ in Christianity | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, March 21, 2019

mo4ch:>Church of England decries Home Office for denying asylum over ‘violence’ in Christianity | Mo4ch News

Published time: 21 Mar, 2019 11:23

The UK Home Office has refused asylum to an Iranian convert, saying that Christianity is not as ‘peaceful’ as he claims. It even cited Bible verses to support its position. Now the Church of England is stepping in.

The letter from the Home Office now making the rounds on social media uses out of context Bible verses from books like Revelations to disprove an asylum-seeker’s claim that he abandoned Islam and converted based on the peaceful nature of Christianity.


Source : RT UK News

Church of England decries Home Office for denying asylum over ‘violence’ in Christianity

Church of England decries Home Office for denying asylum over ‘violence’ in Christianity