mo4ch:>Russian, US resolutions on Venezuela do not pass UNSC | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, February 28, 2019

mo4ch:>Russian, US resolutions on Venezuela do not pass UNSC | Mo4ch News

Russia and China vetoed a U.S. resolution at the the United Nations Security Council expressing concerns over interference in affairs of a sovereign state. Russian draft also failed.

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia slammed the US resolution as “the culmination of the American spectacle of double standards regarding Venezuela.”
He insisted that the US knew from the start the document had no chance of passing and was only put together to justify further complains that access of humanitarian aid is being denied into Venezuela.

“We have serious concerns that the today’s [UNSC] meeting may be used as stage of an actual, not humanitarian, intervention into Venezuela,” the envoy said.

The resolutions called for new presidential elections in the country shaken by political turmoil for more than a month and unhindered access of aid.

Draft resolution before us "seriously inconsistent" with China's position, Beijing's envoy said. 

"Venezuelan affairs should be decided by the Venezuelan people," Wu Haitao explained the decision. "China opposes external forces interfering in Venezuelan internal affairs and opposes military intervention in Venezuela."

The draft resolution garnered the minimum nine votes, while Russia, China and South Africa voted against the text and Indonesia, Equatorial Guinea and Ivory Coast abstained. 

The council then voted on the Russian draft that expresses support for a political solution that failed with seven votes against it.


Source : RT - Daily news

Russian, US resolutions on Venezuela do not pass UNSC

Russian, US resolutions on Venezuela do not pass UNSC