mo4ch:>Trump admits ‘not much headway’ in shutdown talks | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Sunday, January 6, 2019

mo4ch:>Trump admits ‘not much headway’ in shutdown talks | Mo4ch News

The government shutdown shows no signs of resolution after Saturday’s White House meeting between a team led by Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic leaders failed to produce an agreement. The talk focused on “priorities for security” rather than the cost of the wall, according to Pence’s office, which called the meeting “productive.” In a tweet, Trump admitted “not much headway made today.” While the Trump administration underscored the necessity of wall funding, Democrats pushed for information from the Department of Homeland Security about its actual needs regarding the border, vowing not to even consider increasing funding until the government is reopened.
Source : RT - Daily news

Trump admits ‘not much headway’ in shutdown talks

Trump admits ‘not much headway’ in shutdown talks