mo4ch:>Brexit: 71 UK opposition Labour party lawmakers back a second referendum - media | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

mo4ch:>Brexit: 71 UK opposition Labour party lawmakers back a second referendum - media | Mo4ch News

Published time: 16 Jan, 2019 11:22 Edited time: 16 Jan, 2019 11:38

A group of 71 Labour MPs have written to party leader Jeremy Corbyn, urging him to drop his policy of reopening talks with the EU, telling him to instead get behind a second referendum to break the Brexit impasse in parliament.

The MPs claim that more Labour MPs will come in support for a 'people's vote' if the no-confidence vote in the government tabled by the Labour leader fails on Wednesday evening.

The MPs write: "We now face a moment of national crisis, where the facts and the views of many people have changed - and are continuing to change.

"It is now clear renegotiation is not a realistic prospect." 


Source : RT - Daily news

Brexit: 71 UK opposition Labour party lawmakers back a second referendum - media

Brexit: 71 UK opposition Labour party lawmakers back a second referendum - media