mo4ch:>Athens police fire tear gas at protesters as 1000s rally against Macedonia name-change deal (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Sunday, January 20, 2019

mo4ch:>Athens police fire tear gas at protesters as 1000s rally against Macedonia name-change deal (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

Published time: 20 Jan, 2019 13:48

Thousands of people marched through the Greek capital, Athens to central Syntagma Square on Sunday to once again decry the name-change deal with Macedonia. Scuffles erupted as some demonstrators attacked riot police.

Masked protestors tossed red paint and flares at the shield-bearing officers who guarded a narrow ladder leading to the parliament building in a scene reminiscent of the movie ‘300’.

Several troublemakers then began striking riot shields with sticks and even managed to break one of them. Police initially kept their cool but eventually retaliated, using sound bombs to disperse the attackers.

However, it turned out to be a tactical retreat as scuffles reignited after a short break, with Syntagma filling with thick white smoke. Reuters reports that tear gas was also used.

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The organizers of the protest said they expected a million people to gather in Athens, with countless buses delivering demonstrators to the capital from various parts of the country.

The majority is said to have come from the northern Greek region of Macedonia. People there – like many others in Greece – believe that their neighboring state, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), appropriated their cultural heritage by choosing the same name back in 1991.

In order to end the lengthy dispute, which saw Greece blocking Macedonia’s access to the EU and NATO, the countries reached the Prespes agreement last year. FYROM will be renamed the ‘Republic of North Macedonia’ in accordance with the deal, but the half-measure didn’t seem to satisfy most of the Greek population.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Athens police fire tear gas at protesters as 1000s rally against Macedonia name-change deal (VIDEO)

Athens police fire tear gas at protesters as 1000s rally against Macedonia name-change deal (VIDEO)