mo4ch:>‘Wild-eyed’: Irish sports star accused of sexual assault engaged in two-day ‘bender’ | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

mo4ch:>‘Wild-eyed’: Irish sports star accused of sexual assault engaged in two-day ‘bender’ | Mo4ch News

Reports circulating in the Irish media which suggest that a well-known sportsperson has been accused of sexual assault say that the star, who has remained unnamed, was on a two-day drinking binge in advance of the attack.

The sportsperson at the center of the allegations was seen partying with a large collection of friends in various venues in Dublin last weekend, sources told the Irish Sun.

The newspaper quotes a source, who says: “A big gang of them arrived and were in good form. Everyone was polite on the way in. When staff went back to check on them later in the night (the star) was wild-eyed and looked wired."

Also on ‘Famous Irish sports star’ investigated for alleged rape in Dublin hotel – report

Irish police have launched an investigation into the allegations after the woman, who is aged in her twenties, stated that she was assaulted both physically and sexually by the sports star. The incident is alleged to have occurred on the early hours of Monday morning, between midnight and 2 am at a hotel on the south side of Ireland’s capital city.

The claim has been determined to be credible by police, who brought the woman to the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit at Dublin’s Rotunda Hospital. They have yet to interview the suspect.

The woman in understood to have received physical injuries, including bruising and bleeding, in the attack. No arrests have yet been made.

Source : RT - Daily news

‘Wild-eyed’: Irish sports star accused of sexual assault engaged in two-day ‘bender’

‘Wild-eyed’: Irish sports star accused of sexual assault engaged in two-day ‘bender’