mo4ch:>US-backed Syrian SDF forces push into last remaining ISIS stronghold Hajin – report | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, December 10, 2018

mo4ch:>US-backed Syrian SDF forces push into last remaining ISIS stronghold Hajin – report | Mo4ch News

US-backed Syrian fighters have pushed deeper into the last remaining stronghold of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS), capturing a hospital, AP said. The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) entered the eastern Syrian town of Hajin last week and intense fighting has been ongoing since then. Early Monday, SDF forces took full control of the hospital, according to their spokesman, Mustafa Bali. The SDF launched an offensive to capture Hajin and nearby villages on September 10. They have made little progress since then. Last week, the forces intensified their attacks under the cover of airstrikes by the US-led coalition.
Source : RT - Daily news

US-backed Syrian SDF forces push into last remaining ISIS stronghold Hajin – report

US-backed Syrian SDF forces push into last remaining ISIS stronghold Hajin – report