mo4ch:>UK Parliament on lock-down, armed police detain ‘intruder’ | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

mo4ch:>UK Parliament on lock-down, armed police detain ‘intruder’ | Mo4ch News

A man has been tasered and pinned to the ground outside the Houses of Parliament, London. Police are currently saying the incident is not terror-related.

Passersby and journalists shared images on the incident on social media. Police, some of whom were armed, can be seen gathered beneath Big Ben, surrounding the 'intruder' who is sprawled on the ground. 

The incident happened at same gate that was attacked last year. 

On March 22, 2017, Briton Khalid Masood drove a car into pedestrians along Westminster Bridge injuring more than 50 people, five of them fatally. Masood then crashed his vehicle into parliament's perimeter fence, getting out and fatally stabbing an unarmed police officer to death, before being fatally shot by his colleagues. 

Security around parliament has significantly increased, since the incident. 


Source : RT UK News

UK Parliament on lock-down, armed police detain ‘intruder’

UK Parliament on lock-down, armed police detain ‘intruder’