mo4ch:>Turkey to start operation east of Euphrates in N. Syria in a few days – Erdogan | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

mo4ch:>Turkey to start operation east of Euphrates in N. Syria in a few days – Erdogan | Mo4ch News

Turkey will start an operation east of the Euphrates river in northern Syria in a “few days,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday. The move could further complicate relations with the United States. “We will start the operation to clear the East of the Euphrates from separatist terrorists in a few days,” Erdogan said in a speech. “Our target is never US soldiers,” Reuters quoted him as saying. Turkey and the US have long been at odds over Syria, where Washington has backed the YPG Kurdish militia in the fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS). Ankara considers the YPG to be a terrorist organization.
Source : RT - Daily news

Turkey to start operation east of Euphrates in N. Syria in a few days – Erdogan

Turkey to start operation east of Euphrates in N. Syria in a few days – Erdogan