mo4ch:>Trump seeks Pakistan’s help with Afghan peace talks, writes letter to PM Khan – minister | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, December 3, 2018

mo4ch:>Trump seeks Pakistan’s help with Afghan peace talks, writes letter to PM Khan – minister | Mo4ch News

US President Donald Trump has sought Pakistan’s help with Afghan peace talks in a letter to Prime Minister Imran Khan, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said in Islamabad on Monday. Trump wants to end a 17-year-old war between Afghan security forces and the Afghan Taliban militants, who are fighting to drive out international forces. US officials have long been pushing Pakistan to lean on the Taliban leadership, which Washington says is based in the country. Trump “has written a letter,” Reuters quoted Chaudhry as saying. “He has asked for Pakistan’s cooperation to bring the Taliban into talks.” The US embassy in Islamabad has not commented on the letter. Last month, Trump said Pakistan doesn’t “do a damn thing” for the US despite billions of dollars in US aid. Last week, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani formed a 12-strong team to negotiate peace with the Taliban. Ghani warned that implementation of any deal would take at least five years.
Source : RT - Daily news

Trump seeks Pakistan’s help with Afghan peace talks, writes letter to PM Khan – minister

Trump seeks Pakistan’s help with Afghan peace talks, writes letter to PM Khan – minister