mo4ch:>Troops from 2 Koreas check removal of each other’s border posts | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

mo4ch:>Troops from 2 Koreas check removal of each other’s border posts | Mo4ch News

Dozens of South Korean soldiers visited former front-line North Korean guard posts on Wednesday to verify their recent removal. The checks are part of warming diplomacy by the rival Koreas while US-North Korea nuclear disarmament efforts remain stalled. The two Koreas have each dismantled or disarmed 11 of their guard posts inside the Demilitarized Zone that forms their 248-kilometer -long, 4-kilometer-wide border, AP reported. The removals will leave South Korea with about 50 other DMZ posts and North Korea with 150, according to defense experts in South Korea. A group of journalists was allowed to enter the zone to watch a South Korean team leave for a North Korean guard post on Wednesday morning to verify its destruction. North Korean teams were also going to verify the work on the South Korean side of the zone later Wednesday.
Source : RT - Daily news

Troops from 2 Koreas check removal of each other’s border posts

Troops from 2 Koreas check removal of each other’s border posts