mo4ch:>Pregnant woman among 7 Israelis injured in drive-by shooting in West Bank | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, December 10, 2018

mo4ch:>Pregnant woman among 7 Israelis injured in drive-by shooting in West Bank | Mo4ch News

Seven people, including a 21-year-old heavily pregnant woman, were injured after unidentified attackers opened fire at a bus stop from a car at the Ofra settlement in the northern West Bank, Israeli media reports. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said the shots were fired at civilians from a “passing Palestinian vehicle.” Israeli soldiers returned fire, but the alleged assailants managed to flee, sparking a manhunt. The pregnant woman was in a critical condition when she was rushed to the hospital, where the doctors induced labor and delivered her baby prematurely. The woman’s husband also suffered light injuries. Two 16-year-old girls and another two people were also lightly injured in the incident. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack, vowing to bring the “murderous criminals” to justice. Netanyahu said that newly-born baby is “saved” wishing its mother “a speedy recovery.”

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Pregnant woman among 7 Israelis injured in drive-by shooting in West Bank

Pregnant woman among 7 Israelis injured in drive-by shooting in West Bank