mo4ch:>Porno pyramid posers: Egypt investigates nude couple PHOTO from iconic site (EXPLICIT) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Sunday, December 9, 2018

mo4ch:>Porno pyramid posers: Egypt investigates nude couple PHOTO from iconic site (EXPLICIT) | Mo4ch News

Egyptian officials are investigating a pornographic image taken on top of the Great Pyramid after a photographer and his female friend managed to climb the country's biggest tourist attraction for some high risk nudity.

Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities said the incident “violates public morality,” and the country’s public prosecutor will gather a team of experts to investigate the offending video and photograph.

Andreas Hvid shared a video on Youtube of him and a companion climbing what appears to be the Great Pyramid, which he says was filmed in late November. The footage shows the pair taking in the view before the woman starts to remove her clothes.

“Fearing to be spotted by the many guards, I did not film the several hours of sneaking around at the Giza Plateau, which lead up to the climb,” Hvid wrote.

A photograph showing the couple lying naked together on top of the pyramid was widely circulated on social media, sparking outrage and disbelief. 

Responding to the outcry, director of the Giza Pyramids Asharf Mohey initially said the video was fake and that it’s simply impossible to climb the pyramids. He has since said he will file a report demanding an official investigation.

It is illegal to climb the pyramids, and the couple also face trouble for taking an obscene photograph at the UNESCO World Heritage site.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Porno pyramid posers: Egypt investigates nude couple PHOTO from iconic site (EXPLICIT)

Porno pyramid posers: Egypt investigates nude couple PHOTO from iconic site (EXPLICIT)