mo4ch:>Polish PM Morawiecki calls for confidence vote before EU meeting | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

mo4ch:>Polish PM Morawiecki calls for confidence vote before EU meeting | Mo4ch News

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Wednesday he will call for a vote of confidence in the government. The voting  could ensure the government has a mandate for its reforms before this week’s summit of European Union leaders. Morawiecki’s eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party has overhauled the judiciary and taken more control over public media. The moves attracted criticism from the EU and from rights groups who have accused Warsaw of undermining the rule of law. “It’s been three years since PiS came to power… and we have seen a decisive change in how economic and social policy is viewed in Poland,” Morawiecki told MPs. With a year left until national elections, the party has shown signs of rowing back on some of the changes amid signs that its support might be waning, Reuters said.
Source : RT - Daily news

Polish PM Morawiecki calls for confidence vote before EU meeting

Polish PM Morawiecki calls for confidence vote before EU meeting