mo4ch:>No timeframe set for Kim Jong-un visit to S. Korea – Seoul | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

mo4ch:>No timeframe set for Kim Jong-un visit to S. Korea – Seoul | Mo4ch News

South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in has said no timeframe has been set for a historic visit to Seoul by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un despite both hoping it will take place this year. Moon said more important than the timing of the visit is that it would accelerate the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and give impetus to talks between Kim and US President Donald Trump. “Ever since South and North Korea were divided into two countries, this will be the first time that a North Korean leader will visit South Korea,” AP quoted Moon as saying. “So although there is no timeframe set for that, still, it’s very meaningful.” Moon made the comments on the final day of a visit to New Zealand.
Source : RT - Daily news

No timeframe set for Kim Jong-un visit to S. Korea – Seoul

No timeframe set for Kim Jong-un visit to S. Korea – Seoul