mo4ch:>No plans for state of emergency in France over Yellow Vest protests – govt | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, December 3, 2018

mo4ch:>No plans for state of emergency in France over Yellow Vest protests – govt | Mo4ch News

The French government has no plans currently to impose a state of emergency over the “yellow vest” protests which caused chaos and destruction in Paris over the weekend, according to the junior interior minister, Laurent Nunez. “It’s one option among others, but for now it’s not on the table,” Nunez told RTL radio on Monday. The statement came after calls by several police unions for expanded powers to contain the demonstrations, AFP said. States of emergency were imposed after nationwide riots in 2005 by youths in poor suburbs, and after the jihadist attacks in Paris in November 2015.
Source : RT - Daily news

No plans for state of emergency in France over Yellow Vest protests – govt

No plans for state of emergency in France over Yellow Vest protests – govt