mo4ch:>Military will build border wall if Congress doesn’t play ball – Trump | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

mo4ch:>Military will build border wall if Congress doesn’t play ball – Trump | Mo4ch News

The military will finish construction of the controversial US-Mexico border wall if Democrats in Congress don’t take action to “secure our country,” Donald Trump has vowed.

Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he is looking forward to discussing the border security measure with top Democrats but stated, in no uncertain terms, that the wall would be built with or without their support.

“I look forward to my meeting with Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi. In 2006, Democrats voted for a Wall, and they were right to do so. Today, they no longer want Border Security. They will fight it at all cost, and Nancy must get votes for Speaker. But the Wall will get built,” the president wrote.

Claiming that a large part of the wall had already been built, Trump declared that “if the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!”

Also on 400+ caravan migrants detained after crossing border fence in Texas

The wall was a cornerstone of Trump’s presidential platform, with the issue jumping to the forefront of US politics amid the arrival of the so-called migrant “caravan” at the US-Mexico border. Hailing from Central America, several hundred members of the caravan were arrested by US authorities in early December after illegally crossing a border fence in Texas.

Trump had deployed over 5,000 troops to the border as part of his administration’s efforts to prevent the migrants from crossing into the US. Their uncertain fate, however, has become a polarizing topic in America.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Military will build border wall if Congress doesn’t play ball – Trump

Military will build border wall if Congress doesn’t play ball – Trump