mo4ch:>May gets 158+ pledges of support, but it could not matter as MPs may be ‘lying’ | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

mo4ch:>May gets 158+ pledges of support, but it could not matter as MPs may be ‘lying’ | Mo4ch News

Despite reportedly receiving over 158 pledges of support from Tory MPs, Theresa May could still lose a vote of no-confidence, warn commentators, as Conservative politicians may be concealing their true intentions.

Running tallies, at the time of publication, put May’s avowed supporters at over 158 with around 30 vowing to vote against her, based on statements they had made either on social media or to journalists. The PM has reportedly garnered support by vowing that should she win, she will not lead the Tories into the next general election. 

A secret ballot will be held this evening, in which May needs a majority, 158 of the 315 Conservative MPs, to remain leader. 

Though according to Channel Four’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy, among others, “the fact” of May’s support “tells you nothing,” as what Tory MPs “do in private tonight could be entirely different.”

While on the BBC, Andrew Neil, reiterated that just because MPs say they’ll support May doesn’t mean they actually will.

Others speculated that May wouldn't even need to lose the vote to be ousted, with the Financial Times’ Sebastian Payne tweeting that if over 100 MPs vote against her “she might have no choice but to resign.”

The sentiment that 100 rebels would be enough to topple the PM might be wishful thinking from May’s opponents, who are reportedly briefing that even 80 votes would be enough to see her off. Her supporters, including many leading cabinet figures, have repeatedly asserted that should May win by even one vote she will continue.

Should May lose the vote of no confidence a Tory leadership contest will be triggered, with the frontrunners thought to be Brexiteer Boris Johnson and Home Secretary Sajid Javid.

The leadership contest would further complicate the already intricate Brexit process.

Despite claims of Tory duplicity, May is considered a 1/7 favorite to win by the bookies. While another set of gamblers have backed May; the FTSE 100 rallying and Pound Sterling rising against the dollar, after respective recent poor performances.

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Source : RT UK News

May gets 158+ pledges of support, but it could not matter as MPs may be ‘lying’

May gets 158+ pledges of support, but it could not matter as MPs may be ‘lying’