mo4ch:>I will stand down before the next general election, May tells Tory MPs ahead of no-confidence vote | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Thursday, December 13, 2018

mo4ch:>I will stand down before the next general election, May tells Tory MPs ahead of no-confidence vote | Mo4ch News

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has told Tory MPs that she will stand down before the next general election, in a bid to win their support ahead of a no-confidence vote later this evening.

Entering a meeting with Conservative MPs in a Westminster committee room ahead of the crucial vote, May was met with applause and the traditional banging of desks from some sections of her party. 

A reportedly emotional May accepted that she was too unpopular to fight another general election campaign, set for 2022. 

"It's not my intention to lead the party into the 2022 election," the beleaguered May said, according to the BBC. 

Brexiteer and key figure in the plot to oust May, Jacob Rees-Mogg wasn't so keen on her speech. Stating that May only received a "half-hearted" reception, commenting that 'intention' was a "politician's word."

READ MORE: May cancels MPs’ Christmas, Brexit vote will now happen ‘before Jan 21’

The Prime Minister allegedly did not rule out leading the Tories in a snap election, which many commentators have speculated could be called amid the Brexit chaos. May significantly weakened her grip on power when she lost the Conservatives' majority in the 2017 snap-General Election.

Following her announcement, May received numerous expressions of support from some Tory MPs. 

The secret ballot is being held on Wednesday evening and May needs a majority, 158 of the 315 Conservative MPs, to remain leader. 

READ MORE: May gets 158+ pledges of support, but it could not matter as MPs may be ‘lying’

Running tallies, based on statements that MPs had made either on social media or to journalists, indicated that May is on course to win the vote. 

Should she lose a leadership contest would triggered further complicate the already intricate Brexit process.

May is considered a 1/9 favorite to win by the bookies. While another set of gamblers have backed May; the FTSE 100 rallying and Pound Sterling rising against the dollar, after respective recent poor performances.

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Source : RT UK News

I will stand down before the next general election, May tells Tory MPs ahead of no-confidence vote

I will stand down before the next general election, May tells Tory MPs ahead of no-confidence vote