mo4ch:>‘F*** this job’: Jaded Walmart employee quits in Oscar-worthy intercom tirade (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

mo4ch:>‘F*** this job’: Jaded Walmart employee quits in Oscar-worthy intercom tirade (VIDEO) | Mo4ch News

A fed-up Canadian made a theatrical exit from his job at Walmart, airing his beef with the company and its management using the store’s intercom. Thankfully a cellphone video has preserved his glorious resignation for posterity.

Jackson Racicot, 17, gave customers and employees alike a piece of his mind when announcing his resignation from a Walmart in Grande Prairie, Alberta. In a scene that could have been lifted from a slapstick comedy, the young Canadian delivered an inspiring, obscenity-laced farewell rant on the store’s intercom system. Customers hunting for wholesale socks definitely got more than they bargained for.

Filming himself as he gave 2018’s Gettysburg Address, Racicot railed against the massive retail chain and its management.

“Attention all shoppers, associates and management,” his public service announcement begins. “I would like to say, to all of you today, that nobody should work here. Ever.”

After roasting his apparently incompetent bosses, Racicot declares that he’s “sick of all the bulls***.”

He then ends with a poignant stanza:

“F*** management. F*** this job. And f*** Walmart.”

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Clapping and shouts of encouragement can he heard in the background after he finishes his rousing address.

The video of Racicot’s memorable soliloquy has racked up nearly 100,000 views on Facebook, with some praising the Canadian teen for his biting exit from “corporate” wage slavery.

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Source : RT - Daily news

‘F*** this job’: Jaded Walmart employee quits in Oscar-worthy intercom tirade (VIDEO)

‘F*** this job’: Jaded Walmart employee quits in Oscar-worthy intercom tirade (VIDEO)