mo4ch:>China slams ‘inhumane’ treatment of Huawei executive, says Canada violates her rights | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, December 10, 2018

mo4ch:>China slams ‘inhumane’ treatment of Huawei executive, says Canada violates her rights | Mo4ch News

Beijing has protested against the “inhumane” treatment of a Huawei executive who was detained in Canada over a US extradition bid. Earlier, there were reports that her health has deteriorated in custody.

“We believe this is inhumane,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said at a regular press briefing. When asked to comment on news reports that Meng Wanzhou, the 46-year-old chief financial officer of Huawei, is suffering from health problems, the diplomat said the Canadian detention “violates her human rights.”

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The Alouette Correctional Centre for Women, where Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou is being held. ©Reuters / David Ryder

Earlier on Monday, the state-affiliated Global Times newspaper reported that the Huawei CFO “has been subjected to rude and degrading treatment.” Citing its own sources, the paper claimed Meng was “wearing ankle braces when she was taken to the correction center after her first bail hearing.” 

“It seems that the Canadian detention facility is not offering her the necessary health care,” the Global Times said, adding the Huawei executive had surgery in May to remove her thyroid gland and is now suffering from high blood pressure.

The 46-year-old Meng Wanzhou was detained while changing planes in Vancouver on December 1 on US extradition request. Meng, daughter of the Chinese tech giant’s founder, is accused of violating US sanctions on Iran. China, in turn, insists that she has not broken any laws and demands her immediate release.

In the middle of the row, which could potentially escalate US-China trade tensions, Beijing summoned Canadian and US ambassadors demanding that they clarify the reason for placing Meng under arrest.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said both countries have not provided any credible proof that Meng is guilty of crimes under Canadian or US law.

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Source : RT - Daily news

China slams ‘inhumane’ treatment of Huawei executive, says Canada violates her rights

China slams ‘inhumane’ treatment of Huawei executive, says Canada violates her rights