mo4ch:>Brexit battle lines: England legends Gary Lineker & Peter Shilton clash on Twitter | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Friday, December 14, 2018

mo4ch:>Brexit battle lines: England legends Gary Lineker & Peter Shilton clash on Twitter | Mo4ch News

England legends Gary Lineker and Peter Shilton, who used to room together during their time with the national team, are at odds with each other on social media following comments made by the former goalkeeper in support of Brexit.

Match of the Day host Lineker and former 'keeper Shilton, England’s most capped player in history, were part of one of the most successful Three Lions sides in history.

Under Sir Bobby Robson’s stewardship, the pair were integral to England’s run to the World Cup semi-finals in 1990, but it seems that their days of presenting a united front are long gone - particularly when it comes to Brexit.

The UK’s strategic exit from the European Union is the most divisive political issue to hit the nation in a generation, causing debates at dinner tables along the length and breadth of country as well as turmoil in Downing Street.

Shilton, apparently a pro-Brexit supporter, used social media to hail Brexit mouthpiece and Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, saying: “He really knows what he is talking about and puts it across in a calm and calculated manner.”

The tweet incited replies from either end of the political spectrum, including one from Lineker in which he criticized Shilton’s endorsement of Rees-Mogg.

What’s that old saying? You should never see a tweet from your heroes?” Lineker wrote.

This prompted support from another former England international, Peter Reid, who chimed in by describing Rees-Mogg as "loopy," adding that he "didn't know his arse from his elbow."

Lineker has been a vocal opponent of both Brexit and Theresa May's cabinet, noting the UK government's handling of the Brexit situation as "hopeless."

"Imagine how hopeless you’d have to be to still be behind the Tory party in the polls. The absolute state of our politics," he said.

Source : RT Sport News

Brexit battle lines: England legends Gary Lineker & Peter Shilton clash on Twitter

Brexit battle lines: England legends Gary Lineker & Peter Shilton clash on Twitter