mo4ch:>Belgian PM left with minority govt after center-right quits | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Sunday, December 9, 2018

mo4ch:>Belgian PM left with minority govt after center-right quits | Mo4ch News

Prime Minister Charles Michel announced that his government is set to continue as a minority, after the center-right Flemish N-VA quit his coalition. N-VA decided to walk away as it refused to accept Belgium backing a UN migration pact which is due to be endorsed next week. Michel now is left with an alliance of Liberals and Christian Democrats and had to reshuffle posts. The UN-backed pact promoting an international approach to safe and orderly migration is due to be formally approved December 11-12 in Marrakesh, Morocco. The upcoming accord has split global powers, with Austria, Hungary, the US, Israel, and several other states rejecting the accord.
Source : RT - Daily news

Belgian PM left with minority govt after center-right quits

Belgian PM left with minority govt after center-right quits