mo4ch:>Are French protests just about fuel tax hikes? RT’s Boom Bust finds out | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Tuesday, December 11, 2018

mo4ch:>Are French protests just about fuel tax hikes? RT’s Boom Bust finds out | Mo4ch News

As France reels from the chaos of the massive Yellow Vest protests, RT’s Boom Bust looks at the core of people’s discontent – and fuel tax hikes are just a tip of the iceberg.

RT’s correspondent Charlotte Dubenskij, who covered the rallies and was caught in the midst of the violence, sat in with host Bart Chilton to discuss President Emmanuel Macron’s concessions after four consecutive weeks of nationwide mayhem.

READ MORE: Les Miserables? France is the new tax hell in Europe and beyond

The rallies have uncovered much deeper problems within the French society, the journalist explained, as people cannot cope with unbearable living costs and the government’s failures to address this state of affairs.

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Source : RT Business News

Are French protests just about fuel tax hikes? RT’s Boom Bust finds out

Are French protests just about fuel tax hikes? RT’s Boom Bust finds out