A little bit of Rome in Iraq: Amphitheater replica shown off in breathtaking drone footage (VIDEO) - Mo4ch News


Saturday, August 11, 2018

A little bit of Rome in Iraq: Amphitheater replica shown off in breathtaking drone footage (VIDEO)

Stunning drone footage reveals the majesty and scale of a $4.6million replica of a Roman amphitheater, built in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The theatre in Sulaymaniyah aims to attract tourists by hosting international arts festivals and showcasing Kurdish culture. The replica, which opened last month, was built in Hawary Shar Park, an area of 1,000 square kilometres (247,105 acres). It can accommodate up to 5,000 spectators.

link: "https://www.rt.com/news/435678-colosseum-iraq-roman-amphitheatre/"
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Tourist Yarab Mohammed told a Ruptly film crew that he was a frequent visitor to the Roman replica. Mohammed said he was “very happy to see such cultural landmarks in my country, which may attract tourists in the future and help the Kurdistan region financially, which could contribute towards the recovery of the economy.”

The project, approved in 2013 and sponsored by the regional government, faced many hurdles after oil prices fell and the city was left almost bankrupt.

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Source: rt world