mo4ch:>Georgian opposition TV host FOUL-MOUTHS Putin on air, sending country into meltdown | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, July 8, 2019

mo4ch:>Georgian opposition TV host FOUL-MOUTHS Putin on air, sending country into meltdown | Mo4ch News

An expletive-ridden rant has by a Georgian TV host, who switched to Russian to hurl vulgarities at Russian President Vladimir Putin and his late parents, has drawn a massive backlash, forcing officials to go into damage control.

The host of an opinion show on Georgia’s oppositional Rustavi 2 TV broadcaster began his late Sunday program by addressing Putin in Russian. For nearly a minute, Georgiy Gabuniya listed expletives in Russian, including foul overtures at Putin’s late parents, before finally expressing the desire to “sh*t on [Putin’s] grave.” In the tirade, Gabuniya referred to Putin as an "invader" and to Russians as “slaves.”

Despite the two countries' enmity, the stunt wasn't taken well in either Russia or Georgia, where a crowd of agitated protesters flocked to the channel’s Tbilisi headquarters, chanting slogans and demanding the swearing host be fired. The station was soon forced to go off-air, citing security concerns.

Also on Protesting crowds assail Georgian opposition TV after host's foul-mouthed attack on Putin (VIDEOS)

With the situation getting more heated by the hour, the Georgian leadership entered damage control mode, denouncing Gabuniya for "fomenting instability." Georgia’s President Salome Zurabishvili wrote on Facebook she “unequivocally condemns hate speech, verbal aggression, insults and provocatory statements”, which have nothing to do with patriotism.

"Patriotism is something else, you don't defend the country's interests with aggression, destabilization and disorder."
PM Mamuka Bakhtadze called the incident “a disgusting act of provocation and an attempt to destabilize our country.”

Similar outrage bubbled online with commentators calling Gabuniya an “idiot” and his station a “trash heap.” Multiple indignant messages came from prominent industry professionals, many of them of Georgian origin. “Gabuniya, this isn't journalism, or courage, or the Georgian way, or the human way... not to mention love for your country,” Georgian journalist Zurab Dvali wrote.

Rustavi 2 itself was initially unapologetic for the the vulgar rant, its top executive only saying he would have worded it shorter. But with protesters gathering at its doors, the channel finally issued a semi-apology, denouncing “the form of expression,” and then using the same statement to bemoan "the attacks and threats made by the Georgian authorities in response" to Gabuniya's escapade.

Rustavi 2 is Georgia’s biggest privately-owned broadcasting company. Launched in 1994, it has become the main media platform behind the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia that propelled former President Mikhail Saakashvili to power. While Saakashvili is not officially among the channel’s owners, it has long been speculated that he retains leverage over its policies.

During a recent wave of anti-Russian protests that rocked Tbilisi after a Russian MP opened an inter-parliamentary session in the Georgian parliament from the speaker’s seat, Rustavi 2 supported the unrest, while accusing the Georgian authorities of wanting to shut it down. The protests spiraled into violence, and saw thousands of demonstrators attempt to storm the parliament’s building. Over 300 were arrested and dozens were injured in the scuffles with police.

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Source : RT - Daily news

Georgian opposition TV host FOUL-MOUTHS Putin on air, sending country into meltdown

Georgian opposition TV host FOUL-MOUTHS Putin on air, sending country into meltdown