mo4ch:>Sri Lanka police says all suspected Easter attack plotters arrested or dead | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Monday, May 6, 2019

mo4ch:>Sri Lanka police says all suspected Easter attack plotters arrested or dead | Mo4ch News

Sri Lanka’s acting police chief Chandana Wickramaratne has said that all of the suspects linked with the Easter Sunday bombings have been arrested or are dead.

The announcement follows a nationwide manhunt for the perpetrators and their associates, 30 of whom were believed to still be at large over the weekend. Nine previously arrested suspects were released on bail earlier on Monday.

The suicide bombing attacks, later claimed by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group, targeted three Christian churches and three luxury hotels, killing more than 250 people.

Sri Lanka’s government has responded forcefully to the attacks, declaring a state of emergency, expelling Islamic preachers, and banning face coverings in public. Authorities remain on high alert, and warned last week of “another wave of attacks,” possibly carried out by terrorists disguised as military personnel.

Source : RT - Daily news

Sri Lanka police says all suspected Easter attack plotters arrested or dead

Sri Lanka police says all suspected Easter attack plotters arrested or dead