mo4ch:>Pakistani woman sets Twitter ablaze by dressing husband in burqa | Mo4ch News - Mo4ch News


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

mo4ch:>Pakistani woman sets Twitter ablaze by dressing husband in burqa | Mo4ch News

A Pakistani activist has unleashed a flood of reaction for sharing a photograph of her husband wearing a burqa in a bid to challenge gender stereotypes.

“This is my beautiful husband. Of course, you can't see how beautiful he is because I make sure he keeps his beauty (read: identity) hidden as I am the only true haqdaar of it,” Héra Mannan Khan wrote on her Mewlyweds Instagram page. “Everything he is, all his achievements, dreams, all of his fkn life, he owes it to me.”

She went on to say that, while she prefers her husband Waleed Ahmed Saeed Khan stays at home, she took him to dinner last night and they ate steroid-free chicken because she doesn’t “want his fertility to be affected because his major purpose of existing is to give me children and make me a mother.”  

“I Iove how he modestly hides himself while going out,” she added, explaining, “I wouldn't want him to get molested.”

“I on the other hand can roam around and loiter on my my tank top in my spaghetti strap top or even shirtless, because I am a woman,” she said, adding she isn’t afraid of being assaulted by other women, “And even if they do, I will not talk about it because it will prove me weak and defenceless in front of the whole wide world. A woman is not supposed to be weak, you know, we were created to be strong and macho.”

Khan went on to boast that she lets Waleed go to work and drive and how once she ensures he remains pious, she will get to “get to sleep with 70 virgins in the afterlife.” She ended the post with a number of hashtags including “smashingpatriarchy” and “endrapeculture.”

She followed up with another post showing Waleed holding her handbag, writing, “Men, you must show your wives as much love, tenderness, and respect as they do to you. Don't be ashamed of that.”

The posts, which were also shared on Twitter, were widely met with positive comments with many commending Khan for taking a stand. Numerous people also responded with their own satirical comments.

But, of course, not everyone was impressed.

Khan hit back at those who left “senseless misogynistic” comments, saying, “it ain't my responsibility to teach you how satire works” and “people like you are exactly the problem. You are the reason I had to put up such a post in the first place.”

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Source : RT - Daily news

Pakistani woman sets Twitter ablaze by dressing husband in burqa

Pakistani woman sets Twitter ablaze by dressing husband in burqa