
mo4ch:>‘Free Tommy’ protests: Letter urges people to ‘come together’ to defeat UK’s resurgent far-right | Mo4ch News

Protests surrounding the imprisonment of ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson have caused over 50 prominent figures to collectively voice their concerns in a letter to the Guardian, urging a “defence of our multicultural society.”

Published Tuesday, the letter accuses the “racist right” of using the ongoing protests demanding the release of Tommy Robinson from prison to “reorganise.”
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Stating that the demonstration, which saw 5 police officers injured in running clashes, is the “first serious attempt since the collapse of the English Defence League (EDL) to develop a racist street movement and give it a political form.“The 15,000-strong violent far-right protest to “free Tommy Robinson” on Saturday 9 June has raised major questions for all those who value our diversity,” the letter said.Signed by MPs, trade unionists, anti-racism campaigners, and religious leaders, the letter noted that “Nazi salutes and Islamophobia were at the centre of the mobilisation.”Robinson, whose real n…