
mo4ch:>Beer could fall flat for World Cup as CO2 runs short

Beer could fall flat for World Cup as CO2 runs short

Beer could fall flat for World Cup as CO2 runs short

20 June 2018

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Getty Images

A shortage of CO2 could take the fizz out of beer and other sparkling drinks this summer, just as the World Cup and barbecue season get under way.The UK has only two plants producing carbon dioxide and one is closed for maintenance, threatening to leave drinks makers high and dry."It's already stopping production," said Brigid Simmonds, head of the British Beer and Pub Association.She has written to CO2 producers asking them to rectify the situation.Demand for beer and fizzy drinks is peaking as fans gather to watch the football, thanks to the recent run of hot weather.

Carbon dioxide doesn't just put the fizz into soft drinks, canned and bottled beers. It also delivers beer at the pub pumps and is additionally used to pack fresh meat and salads.It comes from ammonia plants that manufacture fertiliser. But as demand for fertili…